Van Morrison / 凡· 莫里森,原名乔治·伊凡·莫里森George Ivan Morrison,生于1945年8月31日,出生地-英国北爱尔兰的贝尔法斯特城。全才,作词家、作曲家、歌手,乐器演奏者,能演奏吉他、口琴等8种不同乐器。他是音乐界的奇人,在音乐界已经工作了五十多年。他的母亲曾是一名爵士歌手。受家庭影响,他很小就对布鲁斯和爵士乐有浓厚的兴趣,15岁那年他就离开了学校去玩音乐了。   从西元十七世纪开始,北爱尔兰因为种族、文化、宗教、政治与阶级的对立,成为分离主义最为盛行的地区,同时三十多年来,KB攻击与流血冲突更是弥漫著北爱尔兰地区。然而,在这样动汤的环境里,仍然出现了许多杰出的音乐人,Van Morrison范. 莫里生就是其中一位。俨然是摇滚音乐界传奇的Van Morrison,不但是爱尔兰近代民谣革命运动代表之一及摇磙的精神宗师,他在创作及演唱方面的革命性作风,更已渗及整个西洋乐界近卅年来的发展行径。   来自於北爱尔兰首都Belfast贝尔法斯特的Van Morrison范. 莫里生,出生於1945年。1963年时,参与北爱尔兰六零年代非常重要的蓝调摇磙乐团─Them乐队,主要负责音乐创作与主唱。Van Morrison待在Them乐队的3年多的时间,也是Them乐队成绩斐然的辉煌岁月,但就在唱片公司主导乐团的音乐方向日益严重之际,Van Morrison痛苦地决定离开乐团,并且开始了个人的音乐生涯。1967年,Van Morrison发行了他的个人首张专辑「Blowing Your Mind / 震荡你的思想」,这张专辑不但是Van Morrison个人音乐生涯的里程碑,也是整个西洋乐坛最为尊崇的经典专辑之一。脱离了原本调性较软的Them乐队,使得Van Morrison在个人首张专辑「Blowing Your Mind 」中获得更大的发挥空间,而他在文学方面的造诣,也得以展现在更多元的曲式中。开场的是一首轻松中带有年轻活力的Brown Eyed Girl / 棕色眼睛的女孩,过耳难忘的吉他前奏已是经典中的经典;长达九分多钟的T. B. Sheets,却变成一首老成的蓝调佳作;西班牙的玫瑰 / Spanish Rose转换成流畅的抒情歌曲,到了Who Drove The Red Sports Car ( 谁驾驶着那红色跑车)又充满了浓浓的灵魂味。Van Morrison如同紧贴著心灵的唱腔,和他多变的创作曲式一样令人叹为观止。而开场曲「Brown Eyed Girl」,简单轻松的三和弦中带著淡淡拉丁味的曲风、经典的吉他前奏加上Van Morrison独特叙事风格的歌词,让这首歌曲,成为Van Morrison最为人所熟知的作品之一。   1967年 - 1973年,他结婚后住在美国,离婚后返回了北爱尔兰的贝尔法斯特。   Moondance (1970) established Morrison as a major artist, and he built on his reputation throughout the 1970s with a series of acclaimed albums and live performances. He continues to record and tour, producing albums and live performances that sell well and are generally warmly received, sometimes collaborating with other artists, such as Georgie Fame and The Chieftains.   Much of Morrison's music is structured around the conventions of soul music and R&B, such as the popular singles "Brown Eyed Girl", "Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile)", "Domino" and "Wild Night". An equal part of his catalogue consists of lengthy, loosely connected, spiritually-inspired musical journeys that show the influence of Celtic tradition, jazz and stream-of-consciousness narrative, such as the album Astral Weeks and the lesser-known Veedon Fleece and Common One. The two strains together are sometimes referred to as "Celtic soul". He has received two Grammy Awards, the 1994 Brit Award for Outstanding Contribution to Music, and has been inducted into both the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Songwriters Hall of Fame.
  Van Morrison / 凡· 莫里森,原名乔治·伊凡·莫里森George Ivan Morrison,生于1945年8月31日,出生地-英国北爱尔兰的贝尔法斯特城。全才,作词家、作曲家、歌手,乐器演奏者,能演奏吉他、口琴等8种不同乐器。他是音乐界的奇人,在音乐界已经工作了五十多年。他的母亲曾是一名爵士歌手。受家庭影响,他很小就对布鲁斯和爵士乐有浓厚的兴趣,15岁那年他就离开了学校去玩音乐了。   从西元十七世纪开始,北爱尔兰因为种族、文化、宗教、政治与阶级的对立,成为分离主义最为盛行的地区,同时三十多年来,KB攻击与流血冲突更是弥漫著北爱尔兰地区。然而,在这样动汤的环境里,仍然出现了许多杰出的音乐人,Van Morrison范. 莫里生就是其中一位。俨然是摇滚音乐界传奇的Van Morrison,不但是爱尔兰近代民谣革命运动代表之一及摇磙的精神宗师,他在创作及演唱方面的革命性作风,更已渗及整个西洋乐界近卅年来的发展行径。   来自於北爱尔兰首都Belfast贝尔法斯特的Van Morrison范. 莫里生,出生於1945年。1963年时,参与北爱尔兰六零年代非常重要的蓝调摇磙乐团─Them乐队,主要负责音乐创作与主唱。Van Morrison待在Them乐队的3年多的时间,也是Them乐队成绩斐然的辉煌岁月,但就在唱片公司主导乐团的音乐方向日益严重之际,Van Morrison痛苦地决定离开乐团,并且开始了个人的音乐生涯。1967年,Van Morrison发行了他的个人首张专辑「Blowing Your Mind / 震荡你的思想」,这张专辑不但是Van Morrison个人音乐生涯的里程碑,也是整个西洋乐坛最为尊崇的经典专辑之一。脱离了原本调性较软的Them乐队,使得Van Morrison在个人首张专辑「Blowing Your Mind 」中获得更大的发挥空间,而他在文学方面的造诣,也得以展现在更多元的曲式中。开场的是一首轻松中带有年轻活力的Brown Eyed Girl / 棕色眼睛的女孩,过耳难忘的吉他前奏已是经典中的经典;长达九分多钟的T. B. Sheets,却变成一首老成的蓝调佳作;西班牙的玫瑰 / Spanish Rose转换成流畅的抒情歌曲,到了Who Drove The Red Sports Car ( 谁驾驶着那红色跑车)又充满了浓浓的灵魂味。Van Morrison如同紧贴著心灵的唱腔,和他多变的创作曲式一样令人叹为观止。而开场曲「Brown Eyed Girl」,简单轻松的三和弦中带著淡淡拉丁味的曲风、经典的吉他前奏加上Van Morrison独特叙事风格的歌词,让这首歌曲,成为Van Morrison最为人所熟知的作品之一。   1967年 - 1973年,他结婚后住在美国,离婚后返回了北爱尔兰的贝尔法斯特。   Moondance (1970) established Morrison as a major artist, and he built on his reputation throughout the 1970s with a series of acclaimed albums and live performances. He continues to record and tour, producing albums and live performances that sell well and are generally warmly received, sometimes collaborating with other artists, such as Georgie Fame and The Chieftains.   Much of Morrison's music is structured around the conventions of soul music and R&B, such as the popular singles "Brown Eyed Girl", "Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile)", "Domino" and "Wild Night". An equal part of his catalogue consists of lengthy, loosely connected, spiritually-inspired musical journeys that show the influence of Celtic tradition, jazz and stream-of-consciousness narrative, such as the album Astral Weeks and the lesser-known Veedon Fleece and Common One. The two strains together are sometimes referred to as "Celtic soul". He has received two Grammy Awards, the 1994 Brit Award for Outstanding Contribution to Music, and has been inducted into both the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Songwriters Hall of Fame.
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