Anwar Hussain, known more by his first name Anwar, is a playback singer who rose to prominence in the Hindi playback industry because of the uncanny resemblance of his voice with that of singer Mohammed Rafi. His most popular song to date is "Aisa Bhi Dekho Waqt" from Mahesh Bhatt's Aditya Pancholi-starrer Saathi (1991)。
  Anwar Hussain, known more by his first name Anwar, is a playback singer who rose to prominence in the Hindi playback industry because of the uncanny resemblance of his voice with that of singer Mohammed Rafi. His most popular song to date is "Aisa Bhi Dekho Waqt" from Mahesh Bhatt's Aditya Pancholi-starrer Saathi (1991)。
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