丁欣睿Echo,来自中国上海,一位正在逐步用音乐发光发热的唱作歌手,她的音乐以流行和 R&B 风格为主,唱着二十几岁年轻人的日常、情感、自我与世界,与听众、也与自我深度连结,用她技巧度和情感度都十分均衡的创作和演唱内容。   “我喜欢记录生活中微小的事物和感情,把它们融入旋律和歌词中,这给了我很大的价值。”——Echo认为“音乐具有将人们联系在一起的力量”,能令人感受到共鸣,即有自由的价值。当然,除了向外探索世界的庞大,Echo 也希望自己的音乐成为一个每一个听者内心的慰藉与港湾,一个可以伴随听众放松与栖息的无形寓所。   Echo (Xinrui) Ding, from Shanghai, China, is currently an uprising singer-songwriter. She writes songs about her life and feelings in the genre of light R&B, and POP. A soulful, skilled, and optimistic individual to work with. She is a very relatable artist to the population of late teens and early 20s audiences.   "I enjoy recording the tiny things and feelings in my life, it gives me great value to put them into melodies and lyrics "   Echo believes that “Music has the power to connect people together.” To resonate, to let people be free, and allow them to feel this world. Her music is soul-connected and wish all the melodies and lyrics could rewind in our audience's mind, be a safe harbor, and an accompaniment.
  丁欣睿Echo,来自中国上海,一位正在逐步用音乐发光发热的唱作歌手,她的音乐以流行和 R&B 风格为主,唱着二十几岁年轻人的日常、情感、自我与世界,与听众、也与自我深度连结,用她技巧度和情感度都十分均衡的创作和演唱内容。   “我喜欢记录生活中微小的事物和感情,把它们融入旋律和歌词中,这给了我很大的价值。”——Echo认为“音乐具有将人们联系在一起的力量”,能令人感受到共鸣,即有自由的价值。当然,除了向外探索世界的庞大,Echo 也希望自己的音乐成为一个每一个听者内心的慰藉与港湾,一个可以伴随听众放松与栖息的无形寓所。   Echo (Xinrui) Ding, from Shanghai, China, is currently an uprising singer-songwriter. She writes songs about her life and feelings in the genre of light R&B, and POP. A soulful, skilled, and optimistic individual to work with. She is a very relatable artist to the population of late teens and early 20s audiences.   "I enjoy recording the tiny things and feelings in my life, it gives me great value to put them into melodies and lyrics "   Echo believes that “Music has the power to connect people together.” To resonate, to let people be free, and allow them to feel this world. Her music is soul-connected and wish all the melodies and lyrics could rewind in our audience's mind, be a safe harbor, and an accompaniment.
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